Welcome to my life

I hope that you enjoy reading about my life and things that go on in my world. I pray that my thoughts are encouraging and uplifting to you in some way. If I happen to have a day when things are not always so pleasant, please, I ask forgiveness ahead of time for being such a wet blanket. May God bless you richly.

Who am I?

I am a Christian woman trying to be the best I can be for the Lord. I am the wife of a wonderful Christian husband (Matt) of 20 years. I am the mother of five children. Three wonderfully sweet boys, Sean age 17, Joshua age 13, and Nathaniel age 4. On December 2, 2015 we adopted 16 twins Chris and Destiny. God and my family are the most important things in my life.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Six Weeks and Growing? Actually Now He's Six Months

I was looking at my blog which I never post on and found this from back in December which I never finished.  Wanted to share and add too.
Another wonderful week has gone by as the mother of three boys.  We are all adjusting well and the boys are both very helpful.  Sean has gotten really good at fixing bottles and doesn't mind changing a wet diaper from time to time.  He even volunteers on occasion, of course it's usually when he should be doing is school work.=)  He has also become very helpful with cleaning up the kitchen when I need him too.  Sean has become quite the helper.  Nathan has grown so much since the day I brought him home.  Just this week he has gotten really good at pushing his chest up off the floor.
Nathan is now six months and WOW have things changed.  Sean is even more helpful now.  I don't have to ask him to clean the kitchen anymore.  He just does it on his own after breakfast and lunch if it's needed.  He has become quite the baby sitter too.  He can now feed, change clothes and diapers(both kinds without complaint) and put Nathan to bed.  Matt and I are officially back to dating whenever we feel like it.  Joshua is Nathan's entertainer.  He is always trying to get him to laugh and usually does. He likes to warm up the bottles when needed and is Sean's sidekick when babysitting.  They are quite the team.

Nathan loves both of his brother and will try to catch their attention anytime they come in the room.  Of course now Nathan is doing much more than lifting his head.  In the last four and a half months he has learned to roll over, turn in circles, sit up, lunge forward, inch worm, reach for things, turn over his basket of toys and most recently crawl. The boy's all over the place and doing so much more.  He loves to read books and anytime he see's one he has to have it.  He is the happiest baby and laughs, sings and talks to everything and anyone.  Just in the last week he has started reaching out for people that he loves and recognizes.

I was not able to breastfeed so I went with the next best option of making our own formula using a recipe from the Weston A. Price Foundation website.  You can check it out at this link http://www.westonaprice.org/faq/faq-homemade-baby-formula.  The reason I chose to make the homemade formula was because I like that it was made with real ingredients and I knew exactly what all of them were and why they were in there.

This month he started on his real food journey.  I say "real" food journey because we are only feeding him food that God made.  Nothing fake or processed.  We started him off on egg yolk instead of the normal processed rice cereal.  After the egg yolk he tried banana which he loved.  I'd have to say it's his favorite so far. Then it was avocado but it wasn't a big hit.  His most recent was pureed chicken and we reintroduced avocado again which he enjoyed this time around.  I'm glad because avocado is loaded with healthy fats which little ones need.  I'd have to say that he is loving his food journey.  We've only give him table food at dinner so far because he still needs milk to be most of his diet.

We are introducing foods based on the Weston A. Price Guidelines and others that follow a whole foods diet.  http://www.westonaprice.org/childrens-health/nourishing-a-growing-baby

It's nice having a baby in the house again and I am glad that we are living a healthier life.  I am glad too that I have learned that it's my job to educate myself about health and nutrition so I can make the right choices for my family.  No longer will I follow blindly.

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My Book List

  • Notes From a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World by Tsh Oxenreider
  • The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard
  • The 7 Spiritual Habits That Will Change Your Life Forever by Adam Houge
  • Wife After God: Drawing Closer to God and Your Husband by Jennifer Smith
  • 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker
  • Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes
  • Interrupted: When Jesus Wrecks Your Comfortable Christianity by Jen Hatmaker
  • Ribbons of Steel: A Promise of Tomorrow Book 3 by Judith Pella
  • Ribbons of Steel: A Hope Beyond Book 2 by Judith Pella
  • Ribbons of Steel: Distant Dreams Book 1 by Judith Pella
  • Fervent by Priscilla Shirer
  • Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes
  • Simple Secrets to a Beautiful Home by Emily Barnes
  • For Women Only by Shaunti Christine Feldhahn
  • Have a New Kid By Friday by Kevin Leman
  • The 10 Best Decisions Every Parent Can Make by Bill and Pam Farrel
  • Sheet Music by Kevin Leman
  • It Starts at Home by Kurt Bruner
  • Sacred Marriage
  • Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
  • Boys Should Be Boys by Meg Meeker, M.D.
  • Dave Ramsey's financial Peace Revisited
  • Dave Ramsey's My Total Money Makeover
  • Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
  • For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
  • QBQ: The Question Behind the Question
  • Raising a Modern Day Joseph by Larry Fowler
  • Recreate by Ron Luce
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
  • The Five Love Langrages by Gary Chapman
  • The Power of Praying Through the Bible by Stormy Omartian